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Costa Brava´s Architecture
Houses with history have something special and the Catalan farmhouse is a type of construction that can boast a past that has marked generations. Their origins date back to the 9th and 10th centuries. Inspired by the traditional Roman villas, they were originally the possessions of feudal lords. Later, however, they became family homes, mainly devoted to livestock farming and agriculture.
The industrial revolution led to many of them being abandoned after the exodus from the countryside to the city. Today, however, many of them have been recovered and converted, either into residences or into venues for events of all kinds.
The Catalan´s well kept secret
But the Catalan farmhouse is not only special because it is a construction specially located in the area of Catalonia. They also have unique characteristics that give them their own character. One of the defining features of this type of construction is the orientation of its main façade, which, with rare exceptions, faces south to make the most of the hours of sunshine.
In addition to the orientation, another feature that successfully defines the essence of Catalan farmhouses is the materials used. Stone is one of the main protagonists.